Thinking About the Hero

I think the core aspect that all works that feature a hero character have in common is that there is a side that is portrayed as the “good side” and a main hero character that opposes an “evil side”. Whether or not they are heroes depends on whose perspective the hero is being viewed from. If I was working for the “evil side” and had to fight the hero I would see them as the enemy and possibly myself as the hero. From the perspective of the “evil side” they are the “good side”. A hero is defined as someone admired and has some outstanding achievement. In todays society a hero is someone who helps the less fortunate and does good deeds. It could even be someone who defends our country. Any action the society feels is morally correct a and that we justify is a heroic action. I believe that a woman can be a hero just as a man can. Despite this many works of fiction portray men as heroes instead of women because of the gender roles society. Many of the superheroes we idolize such as Spiderman were written in a time where men were viewed as superior and stronger than women thus men were mainly depicted as heroes. In more modern times women are being portrayed more as heroes than they were before. Heroes serve as models for what society views as the righteous way to act of behave such as saving people from disasters or fighting against oppression of some kind. Heroes serve as a moral compass for people to learn how to behave similar to religion in some ways. They show people how to behave and exhibit qualities of courage, leadership, etc. that others should follow. I think in some ways humans need heroes to serve as a moral compass and to teach generations that follow how to behave in an acceptable manner. It also can be a good instructional tool for young children to differentiate between right and wrong. I think that the quote “Unhappy the land that needs heroes”, by Bertolt Brecht means that a land that heavily worships heroes is bad because if the hero that the people are worshipping has values that are warped then the values and morals of the people will also be warped. This would create a society that could have what we view to be morally incorrect values that are harmful. A hero could also be used as propaganda to support a politicians agenda.

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